Hello! I'm always looking out for more material: if you have anything you would like to share (especially relating to my Request List), please get in touch! Twitter: @malvernrailway.

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Dutch Troops in Malvern Wells, 1945

This week's blog post (my 100th, incidentally!) comes courtesy of an anonymous historian in the Netherlands, who has compiled a history of the time spent by Dutch soldiers in Malvern Wells during 1945. Included are some fascinating comments about the railway at Malvern Wells and the activities of the soldiers in Great Malvern during their time off. The author has asked me to pass on any messages or recollections from my readers about Dutch soldiers at Wood Farm Camp or Blackmore Camp, so do please leave these in the comments section at the bottom of this page if you know anything which may prove useful.

Dutch Troops in Malvern Wells, 1945 - The KNIL Europe Detachment


The presence of Dutch troops in wartime Malvern Wells has been a well-kept secret for many locals in the Malverns. Based on the diary of Dutch war volunteer private F.J. Remmers (Military Aviation KNIL) and some additional research, I have tried to reconstruct their story.

The initial plan for these Dutch troops of a short transit visit to Malvern Wells en route to Australia was dramatically changed due to the unexpected capitulation of the Japanese on August 15th, 1945. The Australian Government was no longer willing to support the re-establishment of Dutch colonial rule in a liberated post-war Indonesia. By this time up to 3,000 Dutch troops had arrived in Malvern Wells and they became stuck there, mainly for political reasons.

Liberation of The Dutch East Indies

During March 1945 the southern part of the Netherlands was being liberated by the Allies. Within the liberated areas thousands of young Dutch men enlisted as war volunteers (OVW-ers) to fight against the Germans, or against the Japanese in order to liberate the Dutch East Indies and to re-install Dutch colonial rule. The majority of these initial volunteers during this period would finally end up in the “Gezagsbataljon voor Indië” (GBI).

The GBI was intended as a combat unit to fight the Japanese in the Far East together with the Allies. The initial plan was to raise 15 GBIs who would be trained for tropical warfare by Free-KNIL instructors in Australia (KNIL = Royal Dutch East Indies Army). During the war the Australian Government had opened its borders for Dutch troops in an attempt to halt a Japanese invasion.

In the summer of 1945 most European nations were demobilising their troops based in the United Kingdom, while the Netherlands started to increase troop numbers drastically. On May 4th, 1945 the first detachment of the GBI (94 men) departed from Holland to the training camp of the Free Dutch Army in Wrottesley Park near Wolverhampton, followed by a second group of 125 men on May 31st, 1945. Both groups merged into a single company (the so called First Detachment GBI) which left for Sydney Australia together with 320 men and women of the Netherlands Indies Civil Authority (NICA), Women’s Corps KNIL (VK-KNIL) and some planters on June 20th, 1945. This camp had its orders to transit the 15 future GBI Battalions and other volunteers.

On July 7th, 1945 KNIL Captain A.L. Nouwens visited Malvern Wells to take over Wood Farm Camp, a former hospital camp of the 93rd American Hospital. The Dutch Ministry of Overseas Territories (MINOG) had rented this vacant camp to serve as a transit camp for KNIL volunteers en route to Australia. Meanwhile, the Dutch camp at Wrottesley Park would also remain in use as a training camp for Dutch war volunteers.

The Wood Farm Camp in Malvern Wells

In the period July 25th to August 17th, 1945, over 2,500 troops arrived in Malvern Wells, consisting of over 1200 GBI-volunteers who arrived in four transports by train on August 17th, 1945 (the so-called second detachment GBI). The GBI was under the command of KNIL Major of the Cavalry E. Steenhouwer, who had been a teacher at the HKS (High Military College) before the war. A detachment of 400 men from the Air Force (LSK) also arrived by train on July 27th, intended as reinforcement of the Military Aviation KNIL squadrons within the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), as did 600 militarised persons for the Netherlands Indies Civil Administration (NICA), 260 KNIL Lieutenants and Cadets, and 42 women destined for the Women's Corps KNIL (VK-KNIL) which was founded in Australia in 1944. Some of the cadets and lieutenants were even married with members of the VK-KNIL detachment.

'View from Camp to Malvern Hills'
The Dutch Government had named the group in Malvern Wells the “Europe Detachment KNIL”. By the end of August 1945, according to the Malvern Gazette, this group had grown to 3,000 men and women. Wood Farm Camp was under the command of KNIL Lieutenant-Colonel of Engineers G.W.J van Walraven. Second in command was KNIL Major of Infantry A.L. Nouwens, who had only recently been promoted to Major on August 21st 1945. The former British commando Lt. E.L. Ward acted as the British liaison officer. Both KNIL officers G.W.J. van Walraven and A.L. Nouwens had been assigned from the KNIL (Royal Dutch East Indies Army) to the Netherlands to act as teachers at the KMA (Royal Military Academy) in Breda in 1940.

The KMA Cadets – a Special Group within Wood Farm Camp

When the Germans invaded the Netherlands on May 10th, 1940, there were 555 cadets in training at the KMA (Royal Military Academy) in Breda, of whom 243 were destined for the Royal Dutch-Indies Army (KNIL) and 312 for the Army in Holland (KL). On July 15th, 1940 the Dutch army was disbanded by the Germans. Despite the fact that no exams had been taken, the third year KNIL cadets (97 men) were promoted to the rank of second lieutenant. Because no Royal Decree had come to pass, the KNIL officers of the 1940 promotion soon received the nickname of 'the Kassian lieutenants' ('lieutenants out of pity'). The second year were now cadets-Vaandrig and the first-year cadets-Sergeant.

During the war, many KNIL cadets had to continue their studies at regular universities. Seven newly-appointed KNIL second lieutenants, four second-year cadets and a first-year KNIL cadet refused to sign the German loyalty agreement and were immediately sent to German Prisoner of War camps.

On May 15th, 1941, they had to report back in the barracks to be checked by the Germans, but they were sent home afterwards. On May 15th, 1942 all cadets had to report again. This time they were not sent home but taken away to a POW camp in Langwasser (Germany), later to Stanislau (Poland) and eventually to Neubrandenburg near Berlin.

On April 30th, 1945 they were liberated by the Russians and on May 28th, 1945 they returned to the Netherlands, after which they were temporarily sent on leave. In early August 1945 the KNIL lieutenants and cadets had to report in The Hague. Here they were told that they would be shipped via England to Australia with the first available ship to join the Free-KNIL in Australia.

On August 13th, 1945 a group of 160 KNIL lieutenants and cadets united in The Hague in British battledress. Here the group cadets was expanded with a group of KNIL officers who happened to be in the Netherlands during the German invasion. Of the original 243 KNIL cadets of what should have been the promotions of 1940, 1941 and 1942, 194 men would finally reach the Dutch East Indies, including those that had managed to escape during the German occupation.

Via the Allied transit camp in Ostende Belgium, the group was transported to Dover, from where the men continued their journey to Malvern Wells in a - by Dutch standards - luxurious English train. Here they arrived in the afternoon of August 14th, 1945.

Life in Wood Farm Camp, recorded by Private F.J. Remmers, No. 312700718

One of the Dutch LSK volunteers, private F.J. Remmers, prepared an interesting diary of his time in Malvern Wells. Remmers had signed up as one of the 400 volunteers for the Military Aviation KNIL and would join the 2nd Company LSK. After a beautiful train journey from Worcester the LSK men finally arrived at Malvern Wells Train Station on Friday July 27th, 1945 at 19.00.

'Camp Entrance with British and Dutch Flag'
When Remmers arrived at the Malvern Wells Train Station, he already suspected that the Camp had to be a Dutch run camp, because the troops had to walk with their luggage from the station to Wood Farm Camp. 'Typically Dutch' he was thinking during the walk. The camp consisted of 4 kitchens, 1 hospital, 1 canteen, 12 large washing facilities and 60 small-to-large barracks. In the Malverns there were 10 other military camps with various nationalities such as British, Canadian, American and Polish. Remmers was housed in Barrack no. 10. This barrack was set up for up to 40 men, but the standard of the barrack and washing facilities was recorded to be very good.

'Barrack No. 10'
The welcome in the camp was far from friendly; the next morning the camp commander, who didn’t even bother to announce his name, warned the newly-arrived men that they had to behave properly as he would expect from a war volunteer. It was noted that the local beer was stronger than the beer in Holland, and that they should not drink too much of it. A well-trained Indonesian KNIL instructor told them in a loud voice that he would teach them to start eating less. This was clearly an understatement because the men later complained about the quantity and quality of the food in the camp.

On Monday July 30th, 1945, the military training for Remmers started with drill exercises conducted by his new section commander Sergeant H. van Swol. As a typical Drill-Sergeant he shouted a lot, and obviously he had never seen such a lousy group of men before in his entire life. On July 30th Remmers would also get his first medical injections. Saturday between 09.00 – 11.00 hrs was typically used for cleaning up the barracks and the camp area. At 12.00 hrs the men were free to go and to leave the camp. Most men went out to look for some entertainment in Great Malvern (3.5 km) or Worcester (18 km). Many visits would follow. On Sunday morning most Protestant men typically attended the weekly Protestant church service in the camp.

'Cleaning on Saturday'
After arrival in Malvern Wells the troops were not allowed to leave the camp, and it was only after 5 days that the first permission to leave the camp (in Dutch called a “verlofpas”) was granted to Remmers by Sergeant H. van Swol. Anybody reported to be misbehaving outside of the camp would not be allowed by van Swol to leave the camp for a period of one week.

Later the more official Verlofpas was issued – permission to leave the camp. After one week Remmers and his mates still had no idea where they had touched down. Friday August 3rd at 17.00 hrs was the first opportunity to leave the camp. He decided to walk to Great Malvern along the main road so they could discover the area. The beautiful countryside made a great impression on the men.

Great Malvern was a nice town with two cinemas, a dancehall, a swimming pool and even 4 military canteens. Remmers decided to become a member of first military canteen they discovered, the United Services Club (W.V.S.) on Rose Bank. The membership was only 1 schilling per month, and as a member they would also get one bar of chocolate and 10 cigarettes every 2 weeks for free. The military canteens had been set up as entertainment for the many troops located in the Malverns. Back in the barracks the men would give feedback on their experiences. Some of the men had even made an appointment for the next evening with some local Malvern girls. They started to realise that the camp was not that bad after all, considering that the countryside was beautiful and the locals were very friendly.

Daily life in the camp consisted mainly of drill exercises, sport, marches, training in personal hygiene, medical checks and injections, etc. The latter could be very painful in case the injection was placed incorrectly, for example in a muscle. Various soldiers had to be brought to hospital after receiving an injection. Over a period of time each man would get 6 injections.

'Camp Hospital'
On Saturday afternoon Remmers and his mates would typically travel to Worcester by train. The military canteens in Worcester would then experience a kind of invasion of hungry Dutch soldiers. The food in the canteens was cheap and a lot better than the food at Wood Farm Camp. Large quantities of sandwiches and cakes would then disappear in a very short time, like snow in the sun. During the first visit it took the locals in Worcester completely by surprise and they gave “the Dutchies” the nickname the “Hunger Army”. The locals found out later that it was because of the poor food at Wood Farm Camp. In the evening the men would take the train back to Great Malvern, from where they had to walk back home because there was no train from Great Malvern to Malvern Wells in the evening.

The life in Wood Farm Camp was starting to become boring. The LSK men would perform a daily march of approx. 4.5 hours through the beautiful surrounding countryside, visiting places like West Malvern, the Malvern Hills and Great Malvern. On one occasion the men walked to Worcester (18 km) and took the train back to Malvern Wells. Remmers' diary also contains various bus tickets for the Birmingham & Midlands Motor Omnibus Co. Ltd.

Japanese Surrender, 15th August 1945

At Wood Farm Camp, the residents received the news of the unexpected surrender of Japan on August 15th, 1945 due to the atomic bombs at Hiroshima (August 6th) and Nagasaki (August 9th). Now the wildest speculations arose about the destination of the Europa Detachment of the KNIL. The KNIL officers and cadets, most of whom had been born in the Dutch East Indies, wanted to go to the Dutch East Indies as soon as possible in order to check the fate of their family in the Japanese internment camps for European citizens. However, this was impossible because the Dutch Government did not have its own shipping space and had to wait for the Allied shipping pool before a large ship was made available.

For Remmers and his mates the Japanese surrender meant 2 days holiday and celebrations in town. The food and drinks in the cilitary canteens was free, so the soldiers enjoyed themselves. Soldiers of various nations would mingle and celebrate together in town. For many the Coca Cola drinks in the American canteen were a new experience. Remmers recorded, obviously with pride as a young man, that the Malvern Gazette had printed in bold letters in the evening edition that the Dutch had set the tone and had made it a great celebration.

New troops were still arriving at Malvern Wells. On Friday August 17th at 04.00 hrs in the morning 1,200 soldiers of the GBI (the so-called second GBI detachment) finally arrived by train at Malvern Wells. After a walk to the camp most of them had found a bed at 05.30 hrs. It seems that some of these men (or all) were later transferred to Blackmore Camp on August 29th. This was an army camp in the countryside 20-30 minutes walking distance from Malvern Wells.

In the meantime the Australian Government was starting to pull back her support for the Dutch, as she was against the re-installation of Dutch colonial rule in a post-war Indonesia. Unlike the previous Australian welcome for the first GBI detachment, it was unknown when the Europa Detachment KNIL would be able to leave for Australia. Eventually, the group had to wait another seven weeks in Malvern Wells before the green light to leave was given.

Killing Time at Wood Farm Camp, August – September 1945

The transit camp was never intended for a long stay. The facilities to offer a complete basic army training were limited, and a useful way of spending of the time had to be found. The KNIL-Cadet Company under command of KNIL Captain F.M.F. Claassen was made available for the task to lecture the GBI and LSK in Indonesian culture and ethnology, Malay language, marching and drill exercise. The latter however was unarmed, because the weapons were indented to be provided in Australia from KNIL stocks that had been created there during the war.

On Saturday August 18th the usual gathering started at 08.30 hrs. In the afternoon a new uniform (Canadian), 2 sets of tropical outfits and 2 sets of brown boots were issued to the GBI troops, followed by a medical check. In the evening most newly-arrived GBI soldiers went to Malvern to discover the town. It was a surprise for many to see children begging for money in the streets of Great Malvern.

Queen’s Day, August 31 1945

On August 31st the birthday of Queen Wilhelmina was celebrated. At 09.30 hrs the GBI troops located in Blackmore Camp first had to march to Wood Farm Camp. The Mavern Gazette made the following report on this event;

With the Malvern Hills as a background and British civilians as spectators, the Dutch Forces at Malvern Wells celebrated “Holland’s Day”, the 65th birthday anniversary of Queen Wilhelmina. This ceremony was observed by the Dutchmen for the first time in five years, and for the first time on foreign soil.
The Dutch flag fluttered over the former US hospital camp, and another flag was used for a swearing-in ceremony of 39 young Dutch officers, former cadets of the KMA (Royal Military Academy) in Breda, who had been unable to take the oath in Holland because of the German occupation. They had all been in German concentration camps or had been members of the underground movement, and their courage during the years of enemy occupation was recognised in a speech by their Commanding Officer, KNIL Lieut.-Colonel of Engineers G.W.J. van Walraven, who said they had already given evidence of their loyalty to their high Sovereign Lady, the Queen.
The officers each held the flag in their left hand, and gave a salute with two fingers of the right hand, almost a Victory V sign, as they took the oath. One officer took the oath on the right of the flag because of requirements of his religion (he was a Muslim), and another promised, but did not swear, also on religious grounds.

Lt. L.W. den Hartog taking the oath of allegiance to the Queen. He is being sworn in by the Commanding Officer Lt.-Col. G.W.J. Van Walraven, who is accompanied by (on the extreme left) Lt. Hmelnitjky, of the Royal Netherlands Navy, a Russian who was the adjudant of the camp, and Captain F.M.F. Claassen, Commanding Officer of two Dutch Companies who had taken over the former 93rd US Hospital. (Malvern Gazette)
After an inspection of the 3,000 Dutchmen now at the camp, including the 400 LSK staff in Royal Australian Air Force blue and members of a NICA unit, the commanding officer addressed the men as follows;
“Officers, warrant officers, sergeants and men, what was not possible in our Fatherland during the five years of occupation, an official public celebration of the birthday of our respected Queen, is what we have now lived to see again, though it be on foreign, but friendly soil. Five years of uncertainty, unrest, pursuit and for many, deportation and imprisonment, lie behind us. They could not break us. The war in the Far East seems to have come to an end, therefore the purpose of many people – fighting the hated Jap – must be revised. The Army, the Air Force and the Navy will now be obliged to work with the Civil Service in the pacification of our fine Indies. Do not think therefore that your task has been finished. It becomes one of co-operation in the restoration of order in our overseas possessions by which the situation necessary for the rebuilding of orderly society there is created. In this field a great task is also put aside for the NICA personnel, members of which are present here today. For you young officers this day is so important because you have already given evidence of your loyalty to our high Sovereign Lady. By swearing the oath you become part of the backbone of the army which is the instrument of authority in the hands of government. I am convinced you will honour the oath. I wish to all of you the perseverance, the dutifulness and the cheerfulness necessary for the accomplishment of the difficult task that awaits all of you. If you get into difficulties, which is inevitable, while performing your task, if you are in danger of losing confidence, then think of the shining example given in the dark years by Her Majesty our respected Queen”
The Commanding Officer then called for three cheers for the Queen, which were honoured with enthusiasm. Afterwards the KNIL Lieut. Colonel of Engineers G.W.J. van Walraven took the salute at a march past of units headed by the band of the 1st Battalion Worcester Regiment, who also played the Dutch national anthem, the men following with a spontaneous cheer.

Lt.-Col. G.W.J Van Walraven accompanied by his second in command Major AL Nouwens, inspecting companies of the GBI. (Malvern Gazette)
Then the commanding officers and officers entertained the British spectators in their mess, when the company toasted on the health of the Dutch Queen. Amongst those present was Lady Somers and her daughter from Eastnor, Lt.-Cl and Mrs. Mackie and miss J. Mackie, Col. And Mrs J.B. Wheeler, Mrs Bernard Hill and commander WL Murmann and Flt.-Lieut. J Cogill.

Men of the LSK in blue Air Force uniforms as reinforcements for the KNIL Military Aviation (Malvern Gazette)
The rest of the day was observed as a holiday and the soldiers were free to leave the camp. The Dutchmen were seen in public to be wearing orange and red, white and blue favours on their uniforms. In the evening the young Dutchmen gave a dance for Malvern residents at the Clarence Road Drill Hall, which was a happy function. There was also an informal dance in the Welcome Club and the next morning the Dutch boys who enjoyed it sent the warden flowers and a word of thanks for making the their Queen’s birthday so happy for them all.

September 1945

On Saturday September 2nd, 1945 the Commanding Officer G.W.J. of Engineers van Walraven expressed his appreciation in front of the troops for making Queen’s Day a success. He added that he was convinced that the troops would meet the high expectations of the KNIL after their arrival in Australia.

During the month of September, lieutenants and cadets were busy lecturing and training the GBI and LSK in and around the Wood Farm Camp. In September the soldiers even had enough time to help the local farmers for 4 shilling per man to cut the wheat or collect the hops. It surprised them to see that the farmers were all using tractors, when most farmers in Holland were still using horses. In September many visits to the local farmers would follow so they could earn some useful shillings.

Also, the contact with the local women seemed to be good as this even resulted in some marriages as indicated below. In this period there were still some late arrivals of cadets joining the detachment.

On September 14th, during the raising of the Dutch flag in Wood Farm Camp, KNIL Captain F.M.F. Claassen addressed the troops by indicating that after five years of suppression the flag was still there and had been a source of inspiration for them all. He indicated that the troops should think of this flag at all times. This flag would also be back again in the Dutch East Indies and make them all proud. In the Dutch East Indies the return of this flag would be of great symbolic importance.

On Saturday September 15th it was announced to the troops during a special gathering at 21.00 hrs that the departure for the Dutch East Indies would not be far away. On Sunday September 16th, everybody got up early for a march starting at 08.30 hrs to the church in Worcester to attend a memorial service. During the service a word of appreciation was spoken out by the Dutch, that in September 1940 the German attack was halted and that the British played a significant part in the liberation of Holland. After the service there was a military parade in Worcester with soldiers from various nations participating.

On Saturday September 29th food was provided twice. The second issue was already at 10.30 because the troops had the afternoon off. To prepare themselves for the long journey in the coming week, many took the bus to Gloucester for shopping. All kinds of items were purchased here, like cigarettes, soap, letter papers, souvenirs, etc. items useful for the journey. At the start of the evening the money had run out and most took the train back to Great Malvern which arrived at 21.30 hrs.

On Sunday October 1st , 1945 the last church service in England was held. Obviously the service was related to the upcoming departure for the Dutch East Indies. The next morning food rations were provided twice and a field exercise in anti-guerrilla warfare was conducted. That evening would be the last one in which the troops could leave the camp.

Departure for Australia, October 3, 1945

On Tuesday October 2nd it was announced that the troops would leave in the next day. On October 3rd after the usual gathering in the morning, the residents of Wood Farm Camp had to return goods such as blankets, etc. At 15.30 hrs there was a second gathering before 2,400 Dutch residents marched off to the Malvern Wells train station. At 18.00 hrs four trains left for the Dutch Army camp in Wolverhampton, where they would arrive at 19.30 hrs.

At midnight the train arrived at Liverpool with 1,600 troops of the GBI and LSK from Wolverhampton. With doubledecker buses the troops were then transported to the Canada Dock, where at 01.45 hrs they would board the British troopship “Stirling Castle” with 3,000 Australian and New Zealand RAF soldiers already on board for repatriation to their homeland. On October 4th the Stirling Castle left Liverpool with Australia as final destination.

On arrival in Australia the Australian Government did not allow the Dutch troops to disembark, and the journey had to be continued on the “Morton Bay” with the destination of Java. Finally the troops arrived at Penang, British Malaya because the British Authorities on Java didn’t allow the Dutch troops to disembark in Batavia. After 54 days on board of various troopships, the men and women could finally go on land.


It’s not clear when the Dutch stopped using Wood Farm Camp, but there is a newspaper recording the Dutch Government making use of the camp in January 1946. Furthermore I would like to know more about the presence of Dutch troops in Blackmore Camp.

I hope that elderly citizens of the Malverns who still remember the Dutch are willing to share this with me by providing useful verifications, additional information or photos. Many thanks to Martin Theaker, who has been so kind to offer me to help by publishing this account of events on his weblog. In case of any comments please use the comment function below. Thanks in advance !

Applied Literature and Sources

• Cadet Almanac 1940.
• Koster, L.P., With the LSK to the Far East (Private Edition 1988).
• Hartog, Leo de, Officieren achter prikkeldraad (Baarn 1983).
• Memorial book Korpps Beroepsofficieren KNIL 1940-1950, edition Dutch East Indies Officers' Association (Amsterdam, Z.J.).
• Article of Major BC Cats on KMA Cadets promotions 1940, 1941 & 1942.
• The Malvern Gazette, article on Queen’s Day August 31, 1945.
• De Heerenveensche koerier, 14-09-1945.

Useful Websites

• www.hetdepot.com
• www.indie-1945-1950.nl


  1. Hi - Great Article. I'm trying to find out some information about my father. I’m researching my his life for a book and wondering if you can fill in any of the blanks from the details below or steer me in the direction of anyone who may.
    1. His name was Petrus Theodoor Seysener
    2. He was a Dutch national who volunteered to join the British army – engaged as ‘warvolunteer’ at Tr.Camp Malvern Wells
    3. He was stationed, I believe as a chef in the kitchen, in Woodfarm Camp from July 1945 to July 1946 when he was discharged
    4. He was given the title of Corporal (Temporary) on September 10 1945
    5. Statement of Account issued by the Ministry of War on 26 January 1950
    Thanks for any assistance you may be able to give.
    Lidy Seysener

    1. MalvernRailway19 July 2017 at 13:45

      Hello Lidy - if you'd like to get in touch with me at martintheaker1989[AT]gmail.com (you'll need to put the @ sign back in, I remove it to avoid spam), I have a contact for you who would like to help.

    2. I am looking for Billy De Wilde, who has been there October 1945, can anybody tell me anything about Billy, he was my moms husband (the married with the glove and Billy was sent out to Indonesia.....

    3. Hello Anna, unfortunately I don't have any information on this but if we leave your comment up maybe someone will come along and help!

    4. Hallo Lidy Seysener,

      My dad was also working in the kitchen during that time.Harry boogaers was his name.
      Kind regards

  2. My mother, Christine Scheffer joined the Netherlands Indies Civil Administration (NICA) in the Hague in October 1945. She was 25 years old and had spent the entire war (including the Hunger Winter) in the occupied Netherlands. On Monday October 22, 1945 she wrote a letter ( in Dutch) to her grandfather back in the Netherlands about her experiences:

    "Malvern Wells, 22 October 1945,
    Yesterday I sent a letter from Calais. Our group comprises 3 nurses,1 pharmacist,1 pharmacist technician and myself. In Dover we were treated to a hot meal at 3:30 pm and then in a 'posh' train to Malvern Wells. We get a lot to eat everywhere, especially meat! and rations of chocolate, etc. also packed meals, cakes, sausage rolls on the train. We saw nothing of England because it was dark.
    We arrived 12-30 a.m. at Malvern, so our journey was 46 hours without sleep. We carried no luggage, it (the kitbag) was sent ahead. Our destination was a big training camp, approx. 50 huts (40 persons per hut). It is an international camp holding 4000 personnel awaiting posting. There are 830 NICA men and also men of the "TARAKAN" which leaves after us. There are also American Marines. Last night, we got a hot meal on arrival, our kit had not arrived so we crawled onto our potato bags (called mattresses!) and slept solidly despite that.
    At 7;30 reveille, marvellous sunshine and a beautiful view of a mountainous countryside. We explored the camp and discovered canteens, a mess, etc. We are not allowed to leave camp yet. There is little military discipline and we are left free as much as possible, but first we have to to have a medical examination and vaccinations. We are probably here until Saturday, then on to the 'Nieuw Amsterdam', via Algiers where we'll pick up more troops and then direct Australia? Food is marvellous- a lot of meat! Our first English breakfast was fantastic - porridge, bread, sausages, jam and a lot of fat and butter.
    Tonight we go to the cinema in Worcester, this afternoon there was an official notice that on Saturday we leave for Colombo."

    "Wednesday 24/10/1945, Malvern Wells, Camp Woodfarm

    I write a little note when I have time - we are here three days and probably depart tomorrow to Southampton, so we are confined to camp today. We have officer status and are treated very well. The first day many were ill becausee we only had and had to wear tropical clothing, so our Dutch doctors obtained proper soldiers battle dress for us- lovely and warm. We leave 7-0 a.m. tomorrow, two days in Southampton- then "Nieuw Amsterdam".
    This afternoon we explored Worcester and did some shopping. It is fantastic what one sees here i.e. cycles, shoes, peanut butter, cocoa, coffee and bacon! I sent you two little parcels ...Beautiful countryside here, woods and hills. We are kept busy in camp fetching rations, mess duties and going out. At night we roll in bed dead tired. This morning we had photos of our little groups in battle dress, which I send you... Yesterday we were X-rayed and got a lot of injections - result just a stiff arm, nothing worse. The next letter will come from the boat. Howe are sailing is not yet known. We are 54 people in a barrack hut so not easy to concentrate.

    Friday 26/10/1945

    We had reveille yesterday at 4-0 a.m., a large breakfast, packed kit-bags and at 7-0 marched to Worcester station ( half an hour) then train to Southampton. Lovely scenery and autumn colours all the way....

    1. MalvernRailway6 July 2019 at 22:42

      Amazing post, Christian, thank you so much!

  3. Still looking for a man/oficer called Willem de Wilde, he was in MWells October 1945>>>direction purpose Dutch Indonesia , he came from haarlem, I do have 2 pictures of him, I'll try to post these.

  4. the person who knows the man Willem de Wilde can also notify me on bonnie34@kpnmail.nl

  5. My father was stationed at Wood farm camp. His name was Johan van Drunick. If anyone knew him my email is mazrouse@hotmail.co.uk

  6. Hello MalvernRailway,

    A friend from Malvern showed me this story about the Dutch in Malvern.
    I did know that Dutch soldiers where trasported to the Dutch Indies trough Southampton but i did not know about the camp in Malvern and that they were there for a few months.
    I noticed that you as the writer of the article do not know anything about the end of the Dutch use of the camp.
    Yesterday i looked in the index of the Royal Dutch Archive in The Hague and i noticed that there is a lot of information about Malvern in the records.
    I saw the names of Wood Farm Camp, Malvern and Malvern Wells.

    I live an half an hour away from The Hague so it is easy form me pay a visit tho the archive.
    If you are still interested in the subject i will find a moment in the next weeks or so to visit the archive to look into the documents.
    please let me know.
    kind regards,
    Erik Kooistra, The Netherlands.

  7. Hello, my faher, Eddy Steevensz was stationed at Transcit Camp "Woodfarm" from August 8th 1945 till October 3rd 1945, when he left on the Stirling Castle to the Indies, via Australia. He was a volunteer at the GBI of the Dutch Army. He was 24 years of age at that time.
    In 2020 I came in possession of some letters from him to his mother in Haarlem, the Netherlands. In his first letter he is writing about life at Woodfarm, the exercises, the parade and the abundance of food unlike during the war.
    He also mentioned going to town, Malvern I suppose, with some buddies, Willy (his brother), Cor Molenaar and Gerard Ferrari.
    As he writes:"it was raining cats and dogs and as we walked for 15 minutes we were hungry and saw a place at a bus station were we could buy lemonade, tea, chocolate and sandwiches. We were served by three nice little girls, Brenda, Josephine and Bridget, young of age. We told the girls about Holland and also sang Dutch songs. They let us listen to the English music on the radio. They told us that at 8 o'clock in the evening opposite the road there was dancing. That evening we went there. The band consisted of a pianist, a violist and a drummer, playing foxtrot and walls. We made acquaintance with Eileen, Audrey, Rosy and Sheila and danced all evening".
    My father went there several times.
    My father passed away in 2010, he had the age of 89. I guess the women, mentioned, also passed away, but maybe the little girls are still present , however at a respectable age. Who knows the names will ring a bell.
    I wonder if the places he went still exist. I have been to Malvern Wells with my parents in the late 60s when we were for holidays in Wolverhampton,

  8. Continuation:
    I accidentally pressed "publish" 😀.
    ... but I have no memory of it. I hope in the nearby future to go to England and visit Malvern Wells again.
    This site of the Malvernrailway is very nice and gives a good impression life there at that time.
    Thanks to my father's letters, I was able to reconstruct his footprints via Australia to the Dutch East Indies.
    If there are any comments, you can email me.
    Warm regards,
    Eduard Steevensz
    E. saab964@protonmail.com

  9. My grandparents lived at, 2 pit field cottage Malvern Wells. As a child i looked over the garden fence on to the remains of the camp, just a row of concrete slabs. my grandfather told me how the camp after D Day filled with Germans and he would sit listening to them sing when home on leave. George Hayes 1886-1964

  10. My father Gerard Sanders stayed in Malvern Wells during a very short period beginning of May 1946. His Dutch engineers bataljon stayed at first in Easthampstead Park in April 1946, then moved to Malvern Wells after which they departed with the ship called 'Sibajak' from Southhampton on May 4th 1946 to Batavia in Indonesia. I have pictures from the period they stayed in Malvern Wells. If you are interested you can contact me on moniek.sanders@planet.nl
